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Graficando sobre troncos

Un script de shell para trazar los tres campos promedio de carga de CPL de una lista de archivos de registro superiores.

#!/bin/sh -u
#   $0 [list of atop logfiles to plot]
# Plot the three CPL load average numbers from a list of atop log files.
# Uses a default atop log file if no arguments given.
# -Ian! D. Allen - [email protected] -

if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
    set -- '/var/log/atop.log'

rm -f $tmp
trap "rm -f $tmp" 0 1 2

for log do
    if [ ! -s "$log" -o ! -r "$log" ] ; then
        echo 1>&2 "$0: $log: empty or unreadable - skipping"
    atop -PCPL -r "$log" >>$tmp || exit $?
    title="$title ${log##*/}"
if [ ! -s "$tmp" ] ; then
    echo 1>&2 "$0: No files plotted"
    exit 1

if [ $len -le 80 ] ; then
    title="Three CPL load averages from atop -PCPL\n$title"
    title="Three CPL load averages from atop -PCPL\n$(printf "%.77s..." "$title")"

gnuplot -persist <<EOF

set xdata time 
set timefmt '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S' 
set format x "%Y\n%m/%d\n%H:%M" 
set grid
set title noenhanced
set title "$title"
plot \
   "$tmp" using 4:8 notitle 'L1+' with points lc rgbcolor 'blue', \
   "$tmp" using 4:8 title 'L1+' smooth csplines lc rgbcolor 'blue', \
   "$tmp" using 4:9 notitle 'L2*' with points lc rgbcolor 'green', \
   "$tmp" using 4:9 title 'L2*' smooth csplines lc rgbcolor 'green', \
   "$tmp" using 4:10 notitle 'L3x'with points lc rgbcolor 'red', \
   "$tmp" using 4:10 title 'L3x' smooth csplines lc rgbcolor 'red', \


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