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¿Por qué Ctrl-L no borra la pantalla en Bash? ¿Cómo vincular claves en Linux?

He estado usando Ctrl-L para borrar la pantalla en BASH, pero por alguna razón dejó de funcionar. Ahora, cuando presiono Ctrl-L , se crea una nueva línea en lugar de borrar la pantalla. Puede que el problema se deba a mi reciente actualización de BASH (de la versión 3.1 a la versión 4.3, para corregir la vulnerabilidad de Shellshock ). Pero sabes qué, me resulta muy difícil trabajar en un shell torpe, así que necesito volver a Ctrl-L para borrar la pantalla. Busqué en Google y encontré la siguiente solución.

Ctrl-L debe vincularse para borrar la pantalla y se puede lograr usando 'bind ‘comando en Linux. Compruebe si Ctrl-L está obligado a borrar la pantalla usando el siguiente comando.

$ bind -P

El comando anterior mostrará todas las teclas que enlazan con varias funcionalidades. El resultado de muestra es el siguiente:

abort can be found on "\C-g", "\C-x\C-g", "\e\C-g".
accept-line can be found on "\C-j", "\C-m".
alias-expand-line is not bound to any keys
arrow-key-prefix is not bound to any keys
backward-byte is not bound to any keys
backward-char can be found on "\C-b", "\eOD", "\e[D".
backward-delete-char can be found on "\C-h", "\C-?".
backward-kill-line can be found on "\C-x\C-?".
backward-kill-word can be found on "\e\C-h", "\e\C-?".
backward-word can be found on "\e[1;5D", "\e[5D", "\eb".
beginning-of-history can be found on "\e<", "\e[5~".
beginning-of-line can be found on "\C-a", "\eOH", "\e[1~", "\e[H".
call-last-kbd-macro can be found on "\C-xe".
capitalize-word can be found on "\ec".
character-search can be found on "\C-]".
character-search-backward can be found on "\e\C-]".
clear-screen can be found on "\C-l".
complete can be found on "\C-i", "\e\e".
complete-command can be found on "\e!".
complete-filename can be found on "\e/".
complete-hostname can be found on "\e@".
complete-into-braces can be found on "\e{".
complete-username can be found on "\e~".
complete-variable can be found on "\e$".
copy-backward-word is not bound to any keys
copy-forward-word is not bound to any keys
copy-region-as-kill is not bound to any keys
dabbrev-expand is not bound to any keys
delete-char can be found on "\C-d", "\e[3~".
delete-char-or-list is not bound to any keys
delete-horizontal-space can be found on "\e\\".
digit-argument can be found on "\e-", "\e0", "\e1", "\e2", "\e3", ...
display-shell-version can be found on "\C-x\C-v".
do-lowercase-version can be found on "\C-xA", "\C-xB", "\C-xC", "\C-xD", "\C-xE", ..
downcase-word can be found on "\el".
dump-functions is not bound to any keys
dump-macros is not bound to any keys
dump-variables is not bound to any keys
dynamic-complete-history can be found on "\e\C-i".
edit-and-execute-command can be found on "\C-x\C-e".
emacs-editing-mode is not bound to any keys
end-kbd-macro can be found on "\C-x)".
end-of-history can be found on "\e>", "\e[6~".
end-of-line can be found on "\C-e", "\eOF", "\e[4~", "\e[8~", "\e[F".
exchange-point-and-mark can be found on "\C-x\C-x".
forward-backward-delete-char is not bound to any keys
forward-byte is not bound to any keys
forward-char can be found on "\C-f", "\eOC", "\e[C".
forward-search-history can be found on "\C-s".
forward-word can be found on "\e[1;5C", "\e[5C", "\ef".
glob-complete-word can be found on "\eg".
glob-expand-word can be found on "\C-x*".
glob-list-expansions can be found on "\C-xg".
history-and-alias-expand-line is not bound to any keys
history-expand-line can be found on "\e^".
history-search-backward is not bound to any keys
history-search-forward is not bound to any keys
history-substring-search-backward is not bound to any keys
history-substring-search-forward is not bound to any keys
insert-comment can be found on "\e#".
insert-completions can be found on "\e*".
insert-last-argument can be found on "\e.", "\e_".
kill-line can be found on "\C-k".
kill-region is not bound to any keys
kill-whole-line is not bound to any keys
kill-word can be found on "\ed".
magic-space is not bound to any keys
menu-complete is not bound to any keys
menu-complete-backward is not bound to any keys
next-history can be found on "\C-n", "\eOB", "\e[B".
non-incremental-forward-search-history can be found on "\en".
non-incremental-forward-search-history-again is not bound to any keys
non-incremental-reverse-search-history can be found on "\ep".
non-incremental-reverse-search-history-again is not bound to any keys
old-menu-complete is not bound to any keys
operate-and-get-next can be found on "\C-o".
overwrite-mode is not bound to any keys
possible-command-completions can be found on "\C-x!".
possible-completions can be found on "\e=", "\e?".
possible-filename-completions can be found on "\C-x/".
possible-hostname-completions can be found on "\C-x@".
possible-username-completions can be found on "\C-x~".
possible-variable-completions can be found on "\C-x$".
previous-history can be found on "\C-p", "\eOA", "\e[A".
print-last-kbd-macro is not bound to any keys
quoted-insert can be found on "\C-q", "\C-v", "\e[2~".
redraw-current-line is not bound to any keys
re-read-init-file can be found on "\C-x\C-r".
reverse-search-history can be found on "\C-r".
revert-line can be found on "\e\C-r", "\er".
self-insert can be found on " ", "!", "\"", "#", "$", ...
set-mark can be found on "\C-@", "\e ".
shell-backward-kill-word is not bound to any keys
shell-backward-word is not bound to any keys
shell-expand-line can be found on "\e\C-e".
shell-forward-word is not bound to any keys
shell-kill-word is not bound to any keys
skip-csi-sequence is not bound to any keys
start-kbd-macro can be found on "\C-x(".
tab-insert is not bound to any keys
tilde-expand can be found on "\e&".
transpose-chars can be found on "\C-t".
transpose-words can be found on "\et".
tty-status is not bound to any keys
undo can be found on "\C-x\C-u", "\C-_".
universal-argument is not bound to any keys
unix-filename-rubout is not bound to any keys
unix-line-discard can be found on "\C-u".
unix-word-rubout can be found on "\C-w".
upcase-word can be found on "\eu".
vi-append-eol is not bound to any keys
vi-append-mode is not bound to any keys
vi-arg-digit is not bound to any keys
vi-back-to-indent is not bound to any keys
vi-backward-bigword is not bound to any keys
vi-backward-word is not bound to any keys
vi-bword is not bound to any keys
vi-bWord is not bound to any keys
vi-change-case is not bound to any keys
vi-change-char is not bound to any keys
vi-change-to is not bound to any keys
vi-char-search is not bound to any keys
vi-column is not bound to any keys
vi-complete is not bound to any keys
vi-delete is not bound to any keys
vi-delete-to is not bound to any keys
vi-editing-mode is not bound to any keys
vi-end-bigword is not bound to any keys
vi-end-word is not bound to any keys
vi-eof-maybe is not bound to any keys
vi-eword is not bound to any keys
vi-eWord is not bound to any keys
vi-fetch-history is not bound to any keys
vi-first-print is not bound to any keys
vi-forward-bigword is not bound to any keys
vi-forward-word is not bound to any keys
vi-fword is not bound to any keys
vi-fWord is not bound to any keys
vi-goto-mark is not bound to any keys
vi-insert-beg is not bound to any keys
vi-insertion-mode is not bound to any keys
vi-match is not bound to any keys
vi-movement-mode is not bound to any keys
vi-next-word is not bound to any keys
vi-overstrike is not bound to any keys
vi-overstrike-delete is not bound to any keys
vi-prev-word is not bound to any keys
vi-put is not bound to any keys
vi-redo is not bound to any keys
vi-replace is not bound to any keys
vi-rubout is not bound to any keys
vi-search is not bound to any keys
vi-search-again is not bound to any keys
vi-set-mark is not bound to any keys
vi-subst is not bound to any keys
vi-tilde-expand is not bound to any keys
vi-yank-arg is not bound to any keys
vi-yank-to is not bound to any keys
yank can be found on "\C-y".
yank-last-arg can be found on "\e.", "\e_".
yank-nth-arg can be found on "\e\C-y".
yank-pop can be found on "\ey".

Bueno, nuestro objetivo es verificar la clave enlazada para ver la pantalla clara, ¿no es así? Así que solo grep la salida de “bind -p

$ bind -P | grep clear
 clear-screen is not bound to any keys

El resultado anterior dice claramente que no hay teclas vinculadas para borrar la pantalla. Así que vamos a crear uno usando el siguiente comando.

$ bind -x '"\C-l": clear;'

Nota: Busque la sintaxis. Tenemos comillas dobles “\C-l “ y comillas simples ‘“\C-l”:claro;

Después de ejecutar el comando anterior, presione Ctrl-L para ver la pantalla en blanco.

Claves vinculadas globalmente

Espera, acabas de ejecutar el comando de vinculación en el shell y permanece vivo hasta que salgas. Para que esté disponible para cada nueva sesión, debe agregar una línea en /etc/inputrc

$ vi /etc/inputrc

Agregue la siguiente línea al final del archivo.

"\C-l": clear-screen

Eso es todo. Ahora presionando Ctrl-L borrará la pantalla y funcionará para cada nueva sesión.

¿Qué pasa si quieres Ctrl-L para hacer algo más que limpiar? Di archivos de lista.

bind -x '"\C-l": clear; ls'

Después de ejecutar el comando anterior, presione Ctrl-L borrará la pantalla y listará los archivos en el directorio actual.

Pago 'man bind ‘ para más información.

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