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Cancelar una llamada al sistema con ptrace()

Hay toneladas de formas de bajo nivel/inteligentes (y propensas a errores) para resolver este problema, pero el kernel de Linux moderno (3.x, su distribución podría necesitar un parche con respaldo) admite algo llamado seccomp que le permite restringir las llamadas al sistema. un proceso puede hacer. Los sandbox utilizan esta función, incluido Chromium.

Puede ver una discusión sobre esto en StackOverflow aquí o simplemente busque en Google la documentación y las implementaciones de muestra. Hay bastante información por ahí.

Bueno, parece que a veces PTRACE_KILL no funciona muy bien, puedes usar kill en cambio:

if (orig_eax == 10)
    kill(pid, SIGKILL);

EDITAR :Pruebo en mi máquina (Ubuntu kernel 3.4) con este programa y todo está bien:

#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/reg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    pid_t child;
    long orig_eax;
    int status;

    child = fork();
    if(child == 0) 
        ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, NULL);
        execl("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL);
        /* Both wait and waitpid works */
        waitpid(child, &status, 0);
        orig_eax = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, 4 * ORIG_EAX, NULL);
        /* Tracking execve syscall */
        if (orig_eax == 11)
            /* Both PTRACE_KILL and kill() works on my 3.4.4 Kernel */
            fprintf(stdout, "GOT IT\n");
            //ptrace(PTRACE_KILL, child, NULL, NULL);
            kill(child, SIGKILL);

    return 0;

ACTUALIZAR :El problema es que estás usando 10 para rastrear la llamada del sistema en lugar de 11 (porque está ejecutando execve comando), este código funcionará con su rm comando:

if (orig_eax == 11)
    /* Both PTRACE_KILL and kill() works on my 3.4.4 Kernel */
    fprintf(stdout, "INSIDE THE TRAP, FILE WILL NOT BE REMOVED\n");
    ptrace(PTRACE_KILL, child, NULL, NULL);
    //kill(child, SIGKILL);

EDITAR :Probé este código y todo funciona bien (el archivo abc.out todavía existen después de la ejecución de CALL_REMOVE )

 * gcc -Wall REMOVE.c -o REMOVE

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        /* Both calls work */

        return 0;


#include <signal.h>
#include <syscall.h>
#include <sys/ptrace.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <sys/reg.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int i;
        pid_t child;
        int status;
        long orig_eax;
        int kill_ret = 0;

        child = fork();

        if(child == 0)
                ptrace(PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, NULL, NULL);
                execl("/root/REMOVE", "REMOVE",  NULL);
                i = 0;
                        if (WIFEXITED(status) || WIFSIGNALED(status) )

                        orig_eax = ptrace(PTRACE_PEEKUSER, child, 4 * ORIG_EAX, NULL);
                        if (orig_eax == 10)
                                fprintf(stderr, "Got it\n");
                                kill_ret = kill(child, SIGKILL);
                                if (kill_ret == -1)
                                    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to kill ---> %s\n", strerror(errno));
                        printf("%d time, system call %ld\n", i++, orig_eax);
                        ptrace(PTRACE_SYSCALL, child, NULL, NULL);

        return 0;

Obtuvimos esta salida:

[email protected]:/root# ll
total 28K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    6 2012-08-18 19:37 abc.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1023 2012-08-18 19:39 CALL_REMOVE.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  213 2012-08-18 19:39 REMOVE.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7,3K 2012-08-18 19:39 CALL_REMOVE
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7,0K 2012-08-18 19:39 REMOVE
[email protected]:/root# ./CALL_REMOVE 
0 time, system call 11
1 time, system call 45
2 time, system call 45
3 time, system call 33
4 time, system call 33
5 time, system call 192
6 time, system call 192
7 time, system call 33
8 time, system call 33
9 time, system call 5
10 time, system call 5
11 time, system call 197
12 time, system call 197
13 time, system call 192
14 time, system call 192
15 time, system call 6
16 time, system call 6
17 time, system call 33
18 time, system call 33
19 time, system call 5
20 time, system call 5
21 time, system call 3
22 time, system call 3
23 time, system call 197
24 time, system call 197
25 time, system call 192
26 time, system call 192
27 time, system call 192
28 time, system call 192
29 time, system call 192
30 time, system call 192
31 time, system call 6
32 time, system call 6
33 time, system call 192
34 time, system call 192
35 time, system call 243
36 time, system call 243
37 time, system call 125
38 time, system call 125
39 time, system call 125
40 time, system call 125
41 time, system call 125
42 time, system call 125
43 time, system call 91
44 time, system call 91
Got it
45 time, system call 10
[email protected]:/root# ll
total 28K
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root    6 2012-08-18 19:37 abc.out
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1023 2012-08-18 19:39 CALL_REMOVE.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  213 2012-08-18 19:39 REMOVE.c
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7,3K 2012-08-18 19:39 CALL_REMOVE
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7,0K 2012-08-18 19:39 REMOVE
[email protected]:/root# 

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