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¿Cómo eliminar el punto de acceso de la lista guardada?

SO:Ubuntu 11.10 con gnome-shell

Tengo pocos puntos de acceso en mi lista guardada que quiero eliminar y nunca conectarme.
Parece que no puedo encontrar la forma de eliminarlos.

¿Cómo debo eliminar (al menos no la conexión automática) de la lista de puntos de acceso guardados?

Respuesta aceptada:

ctrl + t {for terminal prompt}
cd /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections 
sudo rm {wireless_hotspot_name}

Espero que ayude


Parece que esto se convirtió en una respuesta bastante popular, así que seguí adelante y escribí un script automatizado para hacer esto para todos. Simplemente copie el siguiente script en /usr/local/bin/wireless y recuerda ejecutar el comando sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/wireless

Me alegra ver que esto está ayudando continuamente a otros usuarios de *buntu 😉
Las versiones más nuevas estarán en GitHub

# Review and Remove Wireless Access Points on DEB based Systems
# Make sure to place script in /usr/local/bin 

# CPR : Jd Daniel :: GabelBombe
# MOD : 2013-12-09 @ 12:27:02

# INP : $ wireless -{flag} {arg}



# If the user is not root
if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then
  echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 ; exit 1

declare -r VERSION='1.2b'
declare -r net_dir='/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections'

function list ()
  cd "${net_dir}"

    export count=$(ls |wc -l) # used in drop function

  files=$(ls) # simple ls

  echo -e "ntFound ${count} wireless connections"

    for f in $files; do
        echo -e "t * $f"

function drop ()
  # make sure that we have a working file and directory...
  cd "${net_dir}" ; [ -f "$OPTARG" ] || { echo -e "ntConnection does not exist..." ; exit 1; }

  # confirmation for removal
  printf "ntDo you want to delete $OPTARG [y/n] " ; read -r resp

    # strtolower, and rm
    if [ 'y' == "$(echo $resp | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" ]; then
      rm -f ${net_dir}/${OPTARG}

function flush ()
  # make sure that we have a directory with files...
  cd "${net_dir}" ; list ; [ 0 -ge "${count}" ] && { echo -e "tExiting, Nothing to flush..." ;  exit 1 ; }

  # confirmation for removing all files
  printf "ntAll Wireless Connections will be removed, continue? [y/n] " ; read -r resp

    # strtolower, and rm
    if [ 'y' == "$(echo $resp | awk '{print tolower($0)}')" ]; then
      rm -f ${net_dir}/*

function version ()
  echo -e "ntwireless (GNU wireless network purge) v${VERSION}"
  echo -e "ntCopyright (C) 2013 Hydra Code, LLC."
  echo -e "tLicense GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>.ntThis is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.ntThere is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law."
  echo -e "nntWritten by Jd Daniel (GabelBombe)"
  exit 0

function help ()
  echo -e "ntUsage: wireless [OPTION]... [FILE]..."
  echo -e "tList, remove single or flush the contents of your Wireless Network Manager"
  echo -e "ntThe options below may be used to perform the above actions, this program will only"
  echo -e "trun a single flag or parameter at a time. Flag chaining is only available for -d"
  echo -e "t  -l, --list tt List the contents of your 'Network Manager'"
  echo -e "t  -d, --drop [conn] t Drop a single (or multiple) wireless connections"
  echo -e "t  -f, --flush tt Flush all wireless connections."
  echo -e "t      --help tt Display this help menu and exit"
  echo -e "t      --version t Display version information and exit"
  exit 0


# no long-opts supported except --help
while getopts ':ld:f-:' OPT; do
  case $OPT in

    l) list  ;;
    d) dirList="${dirList} $OPTARG" ; drop  ;;
    f) flush ;;
    -) #long option
       case $OPTARG in

          list)     list    ;;
          drop)     drop    ;;
          flush)    flush   ;;
          help)     help    ;;
          version)  version ;;

    : ) echo -e "ntMissing option argument for -$OPTARG" >&2;               exit 1;;
    * ) echo -e "ntUnknown flag supplied ${OPTARG}ntTry wireless --help"; exit 1;;

shift $(($OPTIND - 1))


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